
Still i rise poem meaning
Still i rise poem meaning

Angelou’s inspirations behind her poem were brought from her past life experiences. “You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes” (Angelou line 21-22). ‘Still I Rise’ portrays a deep recognition into the reality of the black female fundamental issues in the 1970s in America. This poem has a variety of literary devices, such as similes, figurative languages, and allusions which transfer the message of Angelou’s spirit and poetics “soul to readers”, In other words, telling that a soul has its purpose for every individual and you should express it. She uses her talent in the literature to express unfairness. Angelou writes this poem for the minority voices to be heard and to disclose the crime of discrimination. This shows the dearest friend of Angelou supporting the thoughts and helping her throughout her devastating life experiences.

still i rise poem meaning still i rise poem meaning

“Excellence is the best deterrent to racism or sexism” (Oprah Winfrey).

still i rise poem meaning

Maya Angelou is considered an activist most known for her contributions to the African American Civil Rights Movement, and is renowned for her portrayals of excellence of historically discriminated populations, in hopes of creating a movement to stop the sexism and racism towards black women. By the 1920s the segregation and discrimination towards African Americans were over, but the new injustice began towards Black Women. ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou is derived from the historical context of discrimination which partially was ending in the 1920s.

Still i rise poem meaning